Wales & Borders Region

of Alcoholics Anonymous UK

Rhanbarth Alcoholigion Anhysbys Cymru a'r Gororau.

Welcome to the official website of the Wales & Borders Region of Alcoholics Anonymous UK.

Croeso i wefan swyddogol Rhanbarth Alcoholigion Anhysbys Cymru a'r Gororau.

Problem with alcohol?

Meetings & Events

Our regional assembly meetings are hybrid meaning that they are both online and in person. Meetings are held at:

Metropole Hotel
Temple Street
Llandrindod Wells

Our next meeting is on September 1st 2024 at 10:30 am.

The deadline for reports is two weeks before the meeting. This is to ensure that there is sufficient time to distribute reports prior to the meeting.

The agenda is published one to two weeks before the meeting.

If you are a Region officer and would like to submit a report, you can do so via our report form at the link below.

To join the quarterly Region meeting online, simply click the button below. 

Our meetings use the Google Meet platform. You do not need to install any software. Simply click the link and the meeting will open in a new window.

New poster proposals

Following a request to create some bilingual posters for our Region, we've put together some ideas. Click the link below to take a look and offer your feedback.

Carrying the message online: a new frontier

A proposal has been put forward to the Region to begin a new online campaign to help us carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic. Click the link below to view the report. This topic is tabled for discussion at our next assembly meeting.

AA Service News

AA Service News

The summer edition of AA Service News has just been released. AA Service News is packed with information to help you stay connected and informed about AA. 

Learn about service opportunities: 

AA Service News features articles about different service roles within AA and how you can get involved.

Stay up-to-date on AA news and announcements:

It covers important updates from the GSO and the wider AA community.

Share your experience:

Service News also includes stories from members about their service experiences, offering inspiration and guidance.

Discover resources:

You'll find information about upcoming events, conferences, and helpful AA resources.

Join our mailing list

Our Intergroups